Saturday, February 27, 2016

More work done

I took a break from all the things I should be doing yesterday and worked a bit on the horses.

With the help of Laura Skillern's tutorial I made two ears. My apoxie was drying up and several attempts didn't yield anymore that I would consider acceptable so I only have two to show you.

They are stablemate sized so they are a lot smaller than my pictures show. I like the one on the right the best. The one on the left was my very first try (and will be discarded when I get the hang of it and can make them better). The will need a bit more work when the are attached to the horse but I need to make a few more and match them up appropriately before that.

The Para-dressage horse only got very little work done today. I put some more apoxie on its face to even it out.

The Paso Fino mare got her eye done today. I mostly worked with her other eye as a reference since I need to match it so that it won't look weird.

I also added a little muscle to her neck as it was previously hidden behind her mane (and sanded of with it). It still needs a bit more work as it's a bit too prominent at the moment.

The Andalusian got a some neck muscles done. They are not finished in the picture and they do need a little more work before they are done.

The only work I did concerning the Morgan was to fix his base so no he is really stable on it!

And the poor Warmblood didn't get any work done. However I did compile a list (I love lists!) of what all the models need to have done and some ideas for how to paint them and sculpt the mane and tails :)

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