Thursday, October 15, 2015

Painting Progress

I'm working on three resins right now. That's quite scary but as a fellow hobbyist (and customizer) told me when encouraging me to try; the worst thing that can happen is that you need to strip and reprime if you're not happy with it.

My first victim is my poor mini Haggis who've been standing naked in my shelves for 9 years. Yep, 9 years. Except for some drip marks around his neck and shoulder (because my sealer was almost out and acted up), I'm quite happy with the look so far.

He's only gotten two layers of pastels so far but at least he is less naked then ever so I'm happy :)

Quintessance had to be redone due to a broken ear and she's been fighting me quite a while in her two coats of pastels. Managing to fall over both times with her sealer still wet... Hopefully I'll get that fixed...

Bat girl is my last resin and she's been cooperating quite nicely and going along (only two layers in).

She will be a chestnut splash white overo, I think.

This is Lubra or Highland Lass from the Silver Brumby series, she needs to have a few more coats of colour and details done.

This little dog will be a portrait of Oreo who I met at the farm I was volountering at in South Africa. She has a few coats of colour left and details before being considered done.

Please excuse my fingers in the picture. I have been lazy and haven't made him a base yet. His paint wasn't even dry when I took the picture. He still needs a few coats before I can start darkening him (he will be black, a portrait of our late rottweiler-cross Hjalmar).

Monday, October 5, 2015

Apoxie Adventures Part 2

Here are my apoxie adventures, all dressed up in white!

This stablemate jumper was my first ever attempt at resculpting a mane and tail.

I'm quite happy with the mane, considering it's my first attempt (eventhough I think that they are a little big).

I'm not as happy with the tail but for a first try I think it's okey.

I think his forelock braid turned out really, really cute.

This rearing arabian only got a minor facelift with me straightening out his dished profile. But I really like his new profile. He will be Tambo from the Silver Brumby series.

This little mare started her life as a stablemate arabian mare. She lost a leg from falling out of the bodybox when I was moving. So I had to sculpt a new one (which was my first leg and it is definitely not perfect). I also resculpted her mane, tail, forelock, gave her some fetlock hair and straightened out her profile.

You can see that the leg is a bit wonky. But I'm quite happy with her overall look.

I really like what the forelock and straight profile does to her face, it's so cute.

This little lady is probably the one I'm most happy with so far.

Her braids are smaller and more even than my first try (remember that this is only my third try at sculpting a mane and second try making it braided).

The tail is also better but there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Her little forelock braid is also very cute!

I can't wait to get them all painted up!