Sunday, November 3, 2019

New mini and news

I wouldn't really consider myself a micro person. At least not until Maggie Bennett started releasing her amazing micros! I don't own a whole lot of them but there are some on my wish list and I kind of hope that I might be able to join her Monthly Micro club in a few months. Anyway. In January this year Maggie released a model I really, really needed!

A micro mini Fjord named "Viking". 

I happened to stumble upon one in a model horse auction group on Facebook and put in a bid. I won and he arrived a couple of days ago.

I have painted very few micros and I have never painted or prepped a pewter model. I have heard that they shouldn't be any harder to prep than a regular resin but we will see when I get that far. I am very happy with my cute little addition.

In other news, TiMe Stables and Studio can now be found on Instagram @timestablesandstudio! I will still post on the blog as this is my main hobby page but sometimes I only have a picture or very small progress to show and I think Instagram will be a good place to do so.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Grail and update

It has been a while since my last post and unfortunately there might not be too many more posts for the rest of the year. The last month or so has been busy, my boyfriend has had to work overtime everyday of the week since coming back to work after summer vacation, which means that I have had to do most of the chores around the apartment. I have also had a busy time at work and on top of it all, we are buying a house!

So I have barely done anything model related for the last month. And as we will be moving in the beginning of December we will be quite busy packing stuff up, sorting stuff that we won't bring with us and buying new furniture. That means that I might not be able to do much model related stuff over the next few months (but I hope to make up for it after the move as we will have a designated craft room and a designated room for horse shelves and collector's stuff! I have never, ever, had that before! So excited!) I do however hope to have time for a couple of posts before the move as I entered ICCE this year! But more on that and onto the real reason for this post!

I kind of shouldn't by unpainted resins at the moment. My shelves are kind of full of unpainted beauties begging for paint. I really don't need to add to that.

But sometimes you get a chance to buy something you have wanted for a long, long time and never thought that you would actually own. I recently found that. Back in August a picture was published on the Brigitte Eberl Appreciation Force facebook page. It was a picture of a whole lot of resins standing on a floor. It was announced that there were Hermiones in the picture and that she was available again.

For those of you who might not be that familiar with Brigitte's sculptures, Hermione is an older sculpt by Eberl, of a Fjord mare. I am quite sure that there were very few of her in existence and I have only seen a handful during my 16 years in the hobby. Therefore I was quite sure that my shelves would never be graced by this beautiful sculpture, who I think is one of the best Fjord sculpts out there. 

I emailed Brigitte the same moment I saw what sculpt it was and I read it was available. And a few days ago she arrived. She is not as rough as I thought she would be and I am so, SO happy to be able to add her to my collection, even though I really don't need anymore unpainted resins.

I need NaMoPaiMo to kick me in the butt and get at least one of these beauties painted, but who to chose?!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Liveshow report Part 4: Favourites

I really like to gather a bit of eye-candy from the show into a post of their own so enjoy some of my favourites of the show!

I absolutely LOVED this adorable foal!

And this beautifully detailed little mare could come live with me any time!

Love the facial details of this pony.

And the exquisite hairing on this model!

And a beautiful Eberl Kronos!

A better picture of the Icelandic in the Original Sculpt show

Entrant in the Original Sculpt show

My original sculpt.

Entrant in the Original sculpt show.

Entrant in the Original Sculpt show.


Ready-Set-Paint entrant

Ready-Set-Paint Entrant

Ready-Set-Paint Entrant

Ready-Set-Paint Entrant

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Liveshow Report Part 3: Other shows

This show offers a bunch of other shows aside from the open and workmanship shows and I entered most of them.

Fantasy is one of the divisions that I have rarely entered but my Fantasy collection is growing so I think I might have to realize that that battle is lost. The Fantasy show was divided into two championships, decorator and fantasy. I showed 3 models in the Fantasy championship and I am very happy with how well they did. Faust (Breyer Sm. Reiner rr T. Melin), my newly finished hellhorse got second in his class. My two unicorns, Lapis Lazuli (Breyer Sm. Unicorn Blindbag Chase Alborozo OF) and Kanyou (CollectA Friesian cm A-K Uhlén) got first and sixth in their class.

My models didn't manage to make it to any of the big titles, which is absolutely fine by me, but I was happy to see my boyfriends models do good, taking both champion and champion reserve in the fantasy division.

Champion Fantasy: Thor, RC Mini Seunta rep. C. Bäckfalk
Champion Fantasy Reserve: Surtur, Original Sculpture C. Bäckfalk
The Decorators were a really cool and diverse bunch but in the end a really awesome glittery guy went on to be champion decorator with a really cool sugar skull horse as reserve.

Champion Decorator: Glitterati, Breyer SMG2 Arabian rr. T. Wolmer
Champion Decorator Reserve: Dia De Muertos, PS chips Friesian rep. K. Persson
When it came down to the Best in Show voting my boyfriends Pegasus had made it ti the Best in Show title with the glittery horse as reserve.

Best in Show Fantasy: Thor, RC Mini Seunta rep. C. Bäckfalk/
Best in Show Fantasy Reserve: Glitterati, Breyer SMG2 Arabian rr. T. Wolmer

One of the special shows is the Animal Artistry show. I only have 3 Animal Artistry models at the moment, but I hope to add more in the future. My Welsh, Jax (AA Welsh Sec C rep. T. Melin) did okay taking third in his class, as did Athame (AA Sabiha ret. SN) in her class. Empire (AA Waterfestival SR Davy Jones OF) got 4th in his class but the adorable kitty who accompanies him (and who I have named Tia) got first in the class for cats.

In the end a beautiful rearing drafter was crowned Best in Show with a beautiful draft mare as reserve.

Best in Show Animal Artistry: Toro, AA Rearing Drafter rep. V Crawley
Best in Show Animal Artistry Reserve: Saphire, AAE SR Rana OF
Another of the special shows is Bantam/Micro Minis. I am always amazed at how much detail the artist manage to get on these tiny, tiny models. I showed 4 models in this show. Cheyenne (RC MM Sierra rep. L. Morris), Cochise (RC MM Flicker rep. L. Morris) and Abercrombie (RC MM Maxi Cob rep. T. Melin) showed in the same class and got first, third and fifth place. AR Brigadör (PC MM Brigadier rep. A. Gustafsson) got sixth place in the pewter class. The Best in Show title went to one of my favourite minis, a beautifully detailed appaloosa and with my own Cheyenne as Best in Show Reserve.

Best in Show Bantam/Micro Mini: Rokus,PC J. Vingerling version 1 Friesian rep. C Riley
Best in Show Bantam/Micro Mini Reserve: Cheyenne, RC Sierra rep. L. Morris

As I am a big fan of the models sculpted by Brigitte Eberl, I am also a fan of the next show, which is a special show for Eberl models. I have gathered a few of her models (both resin and plastic) and I showed Chester VS (RC Caitano rep. S. Nordström), Charisma (Breyer Tr. GG Valentine OF), Belize (RC Genoveva rep. S. Nordström) and Lancelot (Breyer Tr. Verdades OF) in the same class and they got 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th in the class.

My other two entries in this show, El Salvaje (RC Verroccio rep. L. Lawrynovicz) and Nimbus (RC Oscar rr. E. Zarzecka) showed in the same class and got first and second.
The callback table was droolworthy (especially if you like Eberls) but in the end the Best in Show title went to my own El Salvaje with a beautiful, fleabitten grey Arabian as Reserve.

Best in Show Eberl: El Salvaje, RC Verrochio rep. L. Lawrynovicz
Best in Show Eberl Reserve: Andalib, Breyer Weather Girl rep. P. Lawson
Next up was the Original Finish show, which was divided into Plastic and Bendable. I focused on the Plastic division and showed 6 models in it. Malachai (Breyer PC Cadell OF) and Vivaldi (Breyer Tr. Web SR Acadia OF) showed in the same class and got first and third. Lancelot (Breyer Tr. Verdades OF), Bocelli (Breyer Tr. Tregoyd Journeyman OF) and Casanova (Breyer Tr. Catch Me OF) all showed in the same class and they got second, fourth and seventh. My only mare, Lúthien (Breyer Tr. PC Rhian OF) got first in her class.

A beautiful P.R.E. got Best in Show OF Plastic with my own little Malachai as reserve.

Best in Show OF Plastic: Inigo Montoya, Breyer Dominante XXIX OF
Best in Show OF Plastic Reserve: Malachai, Breyer Premier Club Cadell OF
As I wrote above, I focused my entries in the Plastic OF show so I had no models to show in the OF Bendable show. The Best in Show in this division went to an Irish Cob with an Arabian as reserve.

Best in Show OF Bendable: Tripoli, CollectA Tinker OF
Best in Show OF Bendable Reserve: Kamala Khan, CollectA Arabian Mare OF
A show that was new for this year was the Original Sculpt show. I entered Aslan (who I finished painting the night before the show) but didn't think he'll do any good as he was so rushed. And as I expected, Aslan did not place. The Best in Show title went to an incredible Icelandic horse sculpt with a cute pony cross mare as reserve. My boyfriend's Pegasus sculpture went on to be Best in Show Novice.
Best in Show OSC: Bleikur, Original Sculpt by L. Magga
Best in Show OSC Reserve: Tilly, Original Sculpt by K. Persson
Best in Show OSC Novice: Surtur, Original Sculpt by C. Bäckfalk
Ready-Set-Paint was a really fun addition and was really a show for models we painted during the evening. I had plans to enter but my models were not cooperating that evening so I scratched that idea and did not enter. However I admire all who managed to paint the models as well as they did during an evening (and a bit into the night for some entries). The Best in Show was a really daring appy. The reserve was a really nice bay and the Best in Show Novice, a detailed dapple black.

Best in Show Ready-Set-Paint: Conall, Sm. G2 WB rep. T. Wolmer
Best in Show Ready-Set-Paint Reserve: Destiny, Sm. Breyer Unicorn rep. K. Persson
Best in Show Ready-Set-Paint Novice: Trubochist, Cl. Terrang rep. A. Freda

Waterpass is a special show for former champions and winners and even though I did have a few that would be eligible to enter, I didn't enter. The Best in Show went to and old favourite, the little silver bay Tornado, with a bigger Ardennais foal as reserve.

Best in Show Vattenpasset: Tactic, RC Tornado rep. J. DeCurir
Best in Show Vattenpasset Reserve: Rekryt, RC Basilikum rep. A. Gustafsson

Breakables was also a special show, open for all porcelain models. I only had two to show and entered both, Empire (AAE Waterfestival SR Davy Jones OF) got fourth in his class and Bellini of Decorima (Lakeshore Houdini OF) got second in his class. The little drafter mare from the Animal Artistry show struck again and claimed the Best in Show title, with a really nice Thoroughbred as reserve.

Best in Show Breakables: Saphire, AAE SR Rana OF
Best in Show Breakables Reserve: Mad Day, AAE SR Davy Jones OF
That was all for the show reports, but next post will show some of my favourites of the show.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Liveshow report Part 2: Workmanship

In this years workmanship show the classes were divided (as far as it was possible) into medium used. I thought that was an interesting and a bit more even distribution of models. The first part of the workmanship shows was the Simple plastic division. I showed 3 models in the oil class, Madonna (Breyer Sm. G2 ASB rep. C. Johansson), Since You Don't Love Me (Breyer Sm. G2 ASB rep. A. Gustafsson) and Bellamie (Breyer Sm. G2 Scrambling Foal rep. A. Gustafsson) and they got 7th, 8th and 9th in the class.

My two Totilas repaints did better in their class with Firenze (Breyer Tr. Totilas rep. D. Brown) taking first and Lexus (Breyer Tr. Totilas rep. J. Ward) taking second place.

Best in Show (and novice Best in Show) in workmanship simple plastic went to Haddock, the beautiful Totilas who also got Champion Warmblood Novice in the open show. The reserve title went to a really nice Arabian (who was also the champion Arabian novice in the open show).

Best in Show Simple Plastic: Haddock, Breyer Totilas rep. S. Turesson
Best in Show Simple Plastic Reserve: Lady Midnight, Breyer PAM rep. S. Turesson
Best in Show Simple Plastic Novice: Haddock (see above)
Best Simple Plastic Oldie: Stan James, PS Chips rep. S. Andersson
Best Simple Plastic Mini: Herodes, Safari Toob Mustang rep. K. Persson
Next up was medium plastic and I showed one model in the oil class, Ice Baby Ice (Breyer Sm. G2 TB rr C. Johansson) who got first. I also showed 3 models in the pastels class, all painted by me. Mirabelle (Breyer Sm. G1 Swaps rr T. Melin), Bailando (Breyer Sm. G2 Andalusian rr T. Melin) and Neptune (Breyer Sm. G2 WB rr T. Melin) got second, fourth and sixth in the class.

Best in Show (and Best in Show novice) went to a really well painted few spot Appaloosa with a beautiful sabino as reserve.

Best in Show Medium Plastic:  Flagermusmanden, Breyer Flash rr. A. Freda
Best in Show Medium Plastic Reserve: Dante, Schleich Clydesdale rr. S. Turesson
Best in Show Medium Plastic Novice: Flagermusmanden, See above
Best Medium Plastic Oldie: Zanubiya, CAM rr. S. Nordström
In the drastic plastic I only had one model to show and that was Ahvaz Aliyah (Breyer Cl. Swaps rrh S. Nordström) who did great by winning her class. The Best in Show title went to a Fjord I really like (I might be a bit partial to Fjords but still) with a really cool Valegro custom as reserve.

Best in Show Drastic Plastic: Blondinbella, Breyer Haflinger rr. P. Lawson
Best in Show Drastic Plastic Reserve: Winston, Breyer Tr. Valegro rr. S. Turesson
Best in Show Drastic Plastic Novice: Winston, see above
Best Drastic Plastic Mini (Not pictured): Hickory Hi-Spot Breyer MW Standing QH stallion rrh. K. Persson
When the plastic divisions were over, we went on to other materials (which mostly meant resins). In the simple other division I showed some of my favourite models and they did quite well.

Nahele (RC El Embosco rep. J. Hall) got first in the oils class. Sahale J (RC El Embosco rep. E. Gonzales), Don't Call Me Nymphadora (RC Moxie rep. A. Brock), Cheyenne (RC Sierra rep. L. Morris) and Lost All Hope (RC Kitty Didit rep. L. Lawrynovicz) showed in the mixed/other class and they got second, third, fifth and sixth place.

The little grey Welsh who was crowned Best in Show in the open show, once again took the title of Best in Show, with another familiar face in the form of the foal Champion from the open show, as reserve.

Best in Show Simple Other: Steerpike, RC Auron rep. Z. Lahdenranta
Best in Show Simple Other Reserve: Dolce Khabana, RC HA Biendecado rep. A. Freda
Best in Show Simple Other Novice: Dolce Khabana, see above
Best Simple Other Oldie: Sahale J, RC El Embosco rep. E. Gonzales
Best Simple Other Mini (not pictured): North Down's Lord of Sherwood, RC mini Robin rep. A-L. Mell
In Medium other I had two horses. Nimbus (RC Oscar rr E. Zarzecka) did really, really well by winning his class and then becoming Best in Show medium other. My other horse, Nazar (RC HA Akhal-Teke rr T. Melin) got 5th in the same class.

Best in Show Medium Other: Nimbus, RC Oscar rr. E. Zarzecka
Best in Show Medium Other Reserve: Geal Elvis, RC Spinnaker resculpted L. Magga/rep. A. Freda
Best in Show Medium Other Novice: Geal Elvis, see above
Best Medium Other Mini: Pointy Pontus, RC Bennett Pontus rr. A-L. Mell
I had no horses in the Drastic other show but that gave me some time to take a closer look on the beautiful entrants of the show. The Best in Show was an incredibly detailed and VERY realistic depiction of an old, beloved pony. I really liked the adorable little face! The reserve was almost as impressive with a beautiful colouring, details and hairing and a worthy reserve.

Best in Show Drastic Other: Sadex, RC Behr Horst rr. A. Freda
Best in Show Drastic Other Reserve: Silfurfaxi, RC Eberl Austri resculpted by L Magga/rh A. Freda
Best in Show Drastic Other Novice: Sadex, see above

The colour show was put in with workmanship this year and I think it worked out okay. This year was creme de la creme and palominos, buckskins and double dilutes were all welcome. I don't have a whole lot of those colours in my collection but I brought one palomino and one buckskin to show. They were quite big classes and I am happy that my models did as good as they did with my palomino, Gold Rush (Copperfox Sovereign OF) taking third in the palomino class, and Jax (AA Welsh Sec C rep. T. Melin) taking fifth in the buckskin class.

In the end a lovely buckskin got Best in Show (and Best in Show Novice) and a really sweet palomino got reserve.

Best in Show Colour: Gemini, Breyer Connemara mare rep. S. Turesson
Best in Show Colour Reserve: Sundazzle, Schleich Bayala rr. S. Turesson
Best in Show Colour Novice: Gemini, see above
Best Colour Mini: Dakota, Safari Toob Mustang rep. K. Persson

Next up in the show report, other shows!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Liveshow report Part 1: Halter

About a month ago, I went to another liveshow. As usual I had a great time. Got to see some *amazing* models and meet some new (and some, by now, well-known) people. The divisions were tough and the winners very deserving.

Foals were the first division in the open show and there were some gorgeous models! I only showed one foal, Helios (RC Oliver rep. S. Kern) and he got third in his class. I can't be disappointed with that placing as the winner and second place in his class were the ones that were voted Champion and champion reserve! The novice champion was a repaint of the newer Breyer Lippizaner/Hackney foal that was really lovely aswell! The foal who got reserve was probably my favourite of the bunch, such a beautiful and detailed model!

Champion Foal: Dolce Khabana, RC HA Biendecado rep. A. Freda
Champion Foal Reserve: Conversano Ukrina 1, RC Dobrowolska-Oczko Fazan rep L Magga
Champion Foal Novice: Gidran-19 Róka, Breyer Lipizzaner foal rr A Freda

Arabians were up after the foals. There were several beautiful Arabians in this division! I had 2 Arabians to show. Sayad (RC mini Khemo rep. S. Nordström) who got 4th in his class and Arwen (RC Gizelle rep. S. Nordström) who got 6th in her class. It proved to be the day of the Arabian mares as all of the champions were mares. I am especially fond of the soft colouring on the champion reserve but also the interesting colouring of the champion.

Champion Arabian: Raisha, RC Iaret rep. E. Rossiter
Champion Arabian Reserve: Shahnaz, RC Delilah rep. J. Vingerling
Champion Arabian Novice (not pictured): Lady Midnight, Breyer PAM rep. S. Turesson

As usual, I didn't have a lot of models to show in the next championship, which was the draft championship. My only draft er was AR Brigadör (PC MM Brigadier rep. A. Gustafsson) and I am okay with his placing, which was third in his class. I'm not that much of a draft person but there were so many lovely drafters in this championship! Especially the beautiful bay champion caught my eye! Such a lovely model and beautiful paintjob. I am also a fan of the reserve which I think is a really great model, especially for being a bendable! And the colouring of the Novice champion was really nice as well.

Champion Drafter: Pan Twardowski, RC Dobrowolska-Oczko Cumulus rr A. Freda
Champion Drafter Reserve: Merlin, Safari Tinker rr. T. Wolmer
Champion Drafter Novice: Rodny, CollectA Ardenner rep. J. Taudien
Ponies were up after the drafters. I had 2 models to show and they both did rather well. Epsilon (NL New Forest OF) managed to grab third in the Connemara class and Maverick (RC Tivoli rep. A. Dionne) got second place in the Riding Pony class. In The end an adorable Welsh Pony was voted champion with an equally adorable Exmoor as reserve. Both of these Ponies are so cute and would easily be welcome to come live with me. The Novice champion is a model that I, personally, am not the biggest fan of but this one was painted in a colour that really made this model a favour. 

Champion Pony: Steerpike, RC Auron rep. Z. Lahdenranta
Champion Pony Reserve: Wilbur, RC Mini Fabrizio rep. P. Lawson
Champion Pony Novice: Gemini, Breyer Connemara mare rep. S. Turesson
Riding and carriage breeds were next and it was a rather diverse championship, with breeds from several continents. I had two models in this championship and I am very happy with their placings. El Salvaje (RC Verrocio rep. L. Lawrynovicz) took second in his class. But I was even more proud to see Raphael (RC Gabriel rep. by me) win his class. The champion of the day was a beautiful Morgan stallion. Morgan is a breed I don't know that much about and a breed I don't have a whole lot of models in. I have seen a few of the Covenant versions before but this is probably the one I like best as I really like the life it has. The reserve is another really nice model who's owner was very surprised to see winning the reserve title. The novice champion was a really nicely painted Django. I need to get my hands on a Django body at some point!

Champion Riding- and Carriagebreeds: Flanagan's Folly, RC WBP Coventant's Legacy rep. Chris Jolly
Champion Riding- and Carriagebreeds Reserve: FDL Poetica, RC Fiesta rep. A. Kessler
Champion Riding- and Carriagebreeds Novice: Ooievaar, Breyer Django rep. A. Freda
The next championship was a bit different than usual. This show has a breed special for the second year in a row, which means that the special breed gets its own championship. This year it was Warmbloods so the Sporthorse championship was put together with the stockhorse championship. The sporthorse championship is usually the one were I show the most models but since the Warmbloods had their own championship it wasn't the championship I showed most horses in. I still had 5 horses to show and they did very well! Lost All Hope (RC Kitty Didit rep. L. Lawrynovicz) and Fallen Hero (RC Valor rep. N. Söhn) showed in the same class and got first and third. My only quarter horse, Don't Call Me Nymphadora got first in her class. As did Nahele (RC El Embosco rep. J. Hall) in the mustang class, with Sahale J (RC El Embosco rep. E. Gonzalez) as third in the same class. I was really, really proud when Don't Call Me Nymphadora was voted champion with Lost All Hope as reserve. The novice championship went to a really nicely painted quarterhorse. 

Champion Sporthorse/Stockhorse: Don't Call Me Nymphadora, RC Moxie rep. A. Brock
Champion Sporthorse/Stockhorse Reserve: Lost All Hope, RC Kitty Didit rep. L. Lawrynovicz
Champion Sporthorse/Stockhorse Novice: Mowgli, CollectA Apploosa rep. J. Taudien
The next championship was other Equus and as usual, I had no models to show. I hope to change that in a not too distant future. Anyway, the champion title went to one of my absolute favourite mules in a really, really cool (and well painted) colour. The reserve was a really cute little tiny thing in another really cool colour. The novice champion went to a very breed appropriate Poutein Donkey.

Champion Other Equus: Izadora D, RC Mulinette rep. C. Johansson
Champion Other Equus Reserve: Leo, RC MB MM Pontus rep. T. Wolmer
Champion Other Equus Novice: Eir, Schleich Poitou Åsna rep. S. Sveningsson
And at läst, time for my favourite championship. I am a fan of sporthorses in general but Warmbloods are still closest to my heart among the sporthorses. I showed 6 models in the Warmblood championship with various results. In the Swedish Warmblood stallions and geldings, I showed 2 models, my newly acquired Accent (RC Wee Jay rep. J. Castleman) and my beloved oldie, Chester VS (RC Caitano rep. S. Nordström). They got first and fifth in the class. My only Swedish Warmblood mare, Belize (RC Genoveva rep. S. Nordström) got 4th in her class.
In the class for German Warmblood breeds I showed two models, Empire (AAE Waterfestival SR Davy Jones OF) and Caliber (RC Mini Caprice rep. S. Prosser) and They got first and fifth in the class.
Dutch Warmblood breeds were up next and my last Warmblood to show was Nimbus (RC Oscar rr. E. Zarzecka) and he got fourth in his class. I was really proud when Accent was voted champion with a really, really beautiful mini Tornado. I really want to add a mini Tornado to my collection in the future. The novice champion was a really nicely painted Totilas.

Champion Warmblood: Accent, RC Wee Jay rep. J. Castleman
Champion Warmblood Reserve: Tactic, RC Tornado rep. J. DeCurir
Champion Warmblood Novice: Haddock, Breyer Totilas rep. S. Turesson

It was no easy task voting for Best in Show with all the gorgeous models on the callback table but in the end, the Best in Show title went to the adorable little Welsh Pony.

Best in Show: Steerpike
Best in show reserve went to the beautiful Ardennais from the drafter championship.

Best in Show Reserve: Pan Twardowski
And best in show novice went to the really cute foal who won the novice champion title.

Best in Show Novice: Gidran-19 Róka
Next up is workmanship!