Friday, February 5, 2016

First coat of primer

This is how the models look after the session I had on Sunday.

I managed to sand down the areas I could see needed it with good old sandpaper (I used 320, 400 and 1200 grit). Unfortunately I forget to time myself but I think it took approximately 10 minutes each with sanding and priming since I've done a lot of prepping work with the electrical file it was mostly smoothing of those areas that were needed. Then it was time to put the first layer of primer on.

No, my primer is not glossy. It's just not dry since I took the pictures right after priming :) They do need at least 1 or 2 more coats of primer but I can already see some imperfections that needs to be taken care of.

I might also have an idea for the Paso Mare:

The tail is originally from the Morgan but I happened to put her right beside it when I was prepping and just thought that it could fit her. I'm thinking something like a white "fairytale" horse. Not sure about the breed though. Might make her a unicorn or something :)

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