Saturday, January 5, 2019

New family members

A few days after Christmas my boyfriend and I got to bring our new family members home. These two cuties (and their brother) were born to a half wild mother who moved in to my mother's stable. Mommy cat hid the kittens and we weren't able to capture them until they were around 6-7 weeks old. Then we moved them inside an office where they got to stay while my mother tried to tame them.

They did become quite tame and me and my boyfriend decided to bring two of them home (when they were old enough) as my mother couldn't keep all three of the kittens and Mommy cat as she already has another cat, 2 horses and 2 dogs. 

When I write this, the kittens have only lived with us for 3 days so they are a bit shy still and we don't know each other that well yet.

The first of the two siblings that we brought home was Sigrid, the only female of the litter and the smallest of the three. So far she is quite sociable and like to cuddle and play. She is getting braver and braver, exploring the apartment.

The other kitten, Sigrid's brother, Sven is quite a bit more shy than his sister. He likes to play and cuddle but as soon as we start to move around in the apartment he usually hides out in one of his safeplaces. We hope (and think) that this will get better with time as they haven't been her for long.

We are very happy for this addition to our family and look forward to get to know these cuties better! I'm sure they will show up in pictures every now and then 😊.

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