Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Not according to my plans

The goal for this year was to focus on portrait models. And that should be quite easy but on my want list there was one particular model that would go out of production on February 12. I know it will be possible to find this model on the secondary market but I like to buy them from the source if possible =)

So I kind of took a little step out of the line and bought him. And he arrived about a month ago :)

  He is the Sarah Rose Tiny resin. He is my first Sarah Rose model and he looks great!

Hopefully he won't be unpainted as long as some of my models have been... I almost know what I want to have him painted as. I'll show him as a North Swedish horse.

I actually have two ideas for him. I either want him as a light, flaxen chestnut stallion or a typical bay with pangare (mealy bay) mare.

And of course a size comparison :)

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