Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Start of the blanket

It has been a bit quiet from me regarding my NaMoPaiMo pony. We have had our fair share of struggles and my plans on documenting her progress layer by layer has gone down the drain. At the moment I am happy if I even finish her.

These photos are from a few days ago.

I started mapping out the blanket and white markings with pencil and then I added on a layer of Titanium White PanPastels.

I wasn't sure if I liked the look but I tried to stick fairly close to my reference pictures. I decided to go for it but added a few smaller spots for some variety.

I haven't been around many blanket appaloosas IRL so I was not sure how their spots look on the back but I think I got an okay pattern.

Next up; endless layer of white. I was NOT looking forward to that.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't realized you were heading for Appaloosa. Challenging but she will be beautiful!
